Insight Driven, Customer Focused Marketing

MAC provides Leadership Marketing Education, Skill Development, and Presentations addressing all communication forms, from the traditional to the experimental. MAC believes Marketing must be passionate about Customers and their needs, and that Great Marketing is founded on real Customer Insights that drive business results.

Now MAC announces the launch of three new products that directly address major customer needs!

Launching a new product or service? Unsure how competitors will react?

MAC Attack to the rescue! MAC Attackis a competitive role-play exercise that addresses strategic and tactical issues in New Product launches. Whether you are launching the new product, or you are anticipating a market move by your competitors, MAC Attack rides to your rescue. Learn more here…

Looking for New Product-Service Ideas? Current Approaches Not Working?

Innovation Express to your destination! A proven and successful approach for generating new product/service ideas ready for concept testing. Plus, these ideas are gleaned from your own organization – the people most familiar with your business and most invested in its success. Learn more here…

Ever ask your team for "out of the box" ideas, yet get the same old stuff?

Innovation Bowl is the answer! Innovation Bowl eams high-performing Princeton University students with MAC strategists in a "new idea" competition for your organization. You benefit from access to some of the brightest minds on the planet. They bring tremendous intellect and an un-fettered imagination to your business challenges. Learn more here…

Rod McNealy in Prin
    Making Customer Satisfaction Happen
"in today’s rapidly changing world financial marketplace, no organization can afford to take its customers or clients for granted. To remain competitive in the securities industry which is characterized by consolidation and globalization, it is imperative to establish customer relationships that continually reflect ever-changing customer needs and expectations. Rod McNealy presents a clear, concise, and easily understood strategic approach to Making Customer Satisfaction Happen and any organization can benefit from this customer-focused insight. It has been very helpful to me."
Robert S. Murley, Vice Chairman, Credit Suisse First Boston
Making Customer Satisfaction Happen by Roderick McNealy
buy it now at
Making Quality Happen
"Entrepreneurially oriented start-ups and smaller companies are the job creation engine of our economy. These emerging growth organizations typically succeed because they are close to their customers and responsive to their needs. In Making Quality Happen, Rod McNealy presents an approach to customer-driven Quality that is both easy to understand and easy for any size organization to implement without cumbersome programs or bureaucracies. I recommend Making Quality Happen top any organization that is interested in getting closer to their customers, in building market share, and in increasing their efficiency."
Peter C. Wendell, Founder Sierra Ventures and Faculty Member, Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Making Quality Happen by Roderick McNealy. Buy it Now
buy it now at
McNealy Diamond: Insights, Needs, Benefits, Claims, Customer Focus


For Email Marketing you can trust

Commodity Category, High Interest Campaign

How does a commodity product in an extremely low interest category continue to generate the most talked-about advertising? Learn how it's done in this edition of What We're Watching....more

• WalMart-Phobia:Cure Discovered
WalMart is building a new Super Store in a small Oregon community and some residents see it as a job-killer for "Mom and Pop" stores. We put our "little grey cells" to work and discover whose Ox is really getting gored in this issue of McNealy Missiles ... more